Dermatology Veterinary Referral

Referral Policy

Our clinic is a veterinary dermatology specialty clinic accepting consultations by referral. A referral completed by your family veterinarian will provide us with the most detailed picture of your pet’s health from past to present. It also allows us to communicate regularly with your primary veterinarian and work together to provide the best possible care for your pet. We will do our best to treat your pet for their skin, allergy or ear condition, but routine veterinary services must continue through your family veterinarian.

We ask that you wait to do a biopsy or allergy test, and allow the Petderm team to assess the patient first, as it gives us the best chance to help your client and their pet.

In order to provide the best care possible, we ask that all referrals are done online through our website. We will contact you once we have booked your client for an appointment. If you are having any difficulty with this or you need to source an alternative way to refer, please see our Client Self Referral policy.

    Owner Information

    Last Name*

    First Name*

    Cell Number*

    Home Number

    Email Address*

    Home Address

    Street Address

    Address Line 2



    Postal Code

    Pet Information







    Pet Birthdate


    Referral Urgency

    What is the urgency of this referral?

    Family Vet Information

    Referring Clinic*

    Referring Veterinarian*

    Phone Number*


    Clinic Address

    Street Address

    Address Line 2



    Postal Code

    Has this client been to any other veterinary clinics?

    Veterinary History

    Reason for Referral*

    How long has the problem been going on?*

    Relevant dermatological history*

    Any other health issues not dermatology related?*

    Relevant diet history/information*

    Additional Information

    Is the pet on ectoparasite/endoparasite controls?

    Please list all diagnostic tests performed

    Additional comments and / or concerns

    Relevant Images of Skin or Medical History

    Please send pictures or medical records, labs and relevant photos directly to and reference the pet's first and last name in the subject.

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