Media Release Policy

Calgary Pet Dermatology Centre (Petderm) is proud to share the stories and experiences of our patients and clients to celebrate the exceptional care we provide and to educate and inform the community. With your permission, we would like to use images, videos, and stories in our clinic, marketing materials and on our website. Please read the following media release policy carefully:

Media Release Agreement

1.1 I hereby grant Petderm the right and permission to use, reproduce, and distribute the following media content, which may include but is not limited to photographs, videos, and written or verbal testimonials, for marketing and promotional purposes on the Petderm website, other marketing materials and in clinic.

Description of Media Content

2.1 Content to be captured is your pet, and your pet’s first name, species, breed, age, symptoms and diagnosis(es).

Rights Granted

3.1 I understand that by granting this permission, I am allowing Petderm to:

  1. Use the specified media content on the clinic’s website.
  2. Use the specified media content in marketing materials, such as brochures and social media.
  3. Use the specified media content to promote the clinic’s services and share stories about my pet.
  4. Release Information

Release Information

4.1 I understand that my personal information, such as my pet’s name and my pet’s information may be used in conjunction with the specified media content. Petderm agrees not to share any sensitive or private information without my explicit written consent.


5.1 This media release permission is valid indefinitely, unless revoked in writing by the undersigned.


6.1 I have the right to revoke this permission at any time by providing written notice to Petderm. Once notice of revocation is received, Petderm will cease using the specified media content in any new materials. However, materials already in circulation may not be retracted.

Release Consent

7.1 I acknowledge that I am granting this permission voluntarily and that I will not receive any compensation or benefits in return.
I have read and understood the terms of this media release agreement and willingly grant Petderm the rights and permissions described above. By indicating “Yes”, I am accepting this media release agreement.

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