Internal Medicine Veterinary Referral

With Dr. Chantal McMillan, DVM, MSCs, DACVIM

Please fill out and submit this form.

Types of veterinary internal medicine cases suitable for consultation with Petderm’s Internal Medicine services:

Currently, stable cases are best suited for an internal medicine consultation at Petderm. If imaging is required urgently, a full-service specialty hospital is better suited to manage the case as a more emergent referral. For patients requiring hospitalization, they need to be treated at your facility or a 24-hour hospital. We will work with Dr. McMillan to ensure our practice is well-suited for cases in an individualized fashion. If you are uncertain about the suitability of cases or the process of referral, we are here to help!

Petderm’s expanded services are to provide the best care possible for your patients, and included below are some examples of appropriate cases for Petderm:

  • Chronic gastroenterology cases – ie) IBD, chronic vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Chronic liver disease management
  • Chronic renal disease management
  • Stable immune and infectious disease
  • Endocrinology cases excluding unstable patients ie) DKA or Addisonian crisis
  • Patients with Pu/Pd

*Please note, ultrasound and advanced imaging will be referred out to local hospitals.

    Owner Information

    Last Name*

    First Name*

    Cell Number*

    Home Number

    Email Address*

    Home Address*

    Street Address*

    Address Line 2



    Postal Code*

    Pet Information






    Pet Birthdate



    Last body weight and date

    Last vaccination date and type

    Family Vet Information

    Referring Clinic*

    Referring Veterinarian*


    Phone Number*

    Has this client been to any other veterinary clinics?

    Veterinary History

    Reason for Referral*

    Known Drug or Anesthetic Reactions*

    Please provide a short, chronological case history summary relevant to the reason for the referral*

    Please provide in chronological order pertinent lab test results, dates and reference ranges*

    Please provide in chronological order prior therapies (diets, medications and supplements) and responses (positive or negative)*

    List and date of Relevant Imaging and Findings:

    Any other key features surrounding this case important to understand the medical aspects or client goals most completely:

    Relevant Images of Skin or Medical History

    Please send pictures or medical records, labs and relevant photos directly to and reference the pet's first and last name in the subject.

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